After much consideration and talking to N8urboy i have decided to get a Yamaha Vino. i looked at vespas yesturday. but they were too big. and i found a way to get to work without having to go on the highway. so i can get a 50cc scooter and not worry about it. the place im getting my scooter (hopefully... if my credit checks out) only had a silver one. and i want a black or red one... which they will get next month. which also alows me to save more money to put down on a deposit.
More Blogs
Monday Dec 03, 2007
All moved in! Now the fun process of unpacking everything. -
Thursday Nov 29, 2007
tonight we are spending the night at the new apt. got 95% of our shit… -
Tuesday Nov 27, 2007
we get to start moving in tomorrow! -
Friday Nov 23, 2007
well its been quite a few weeks. Some good things... some bad things.… -
Thursday Nov 08, 2007
so me and the GF have been looking at appartments (still in NH). we l… -
Thursday Nov 08, 2007
i worked a double today at work 11a-5p then 9p-130a. it was wicked lo… -
Tuesday Nov 06, 2007
i finally talked to my roommate and he gave me some bullshit excuses … -
Wednesday Oct 24, 2007
so i'm gonna be making bags, stuffed animals and pillows again. i got… -
Tuesday Oct 23, 2007
i'm so sick of my house. 2 of my roomates have decided they are going… -
Wednesday Oct 17, 2007
well i got me a new laptop so i'll be on here a lot more now!!!! New …