i have just finished the 6th song for my solo project's (fuck?yes!) first cd (Puppy Dogs & Rainbows) you can listen to some of the songs on my myspace: Fuck?Yes! of course myspace is being a dick face and wont let me put the songs i want on, there are some songs that are too long. i will try to add some. but if you...
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selel me tone!!!! i would love to pay $# for one!!!!! i still havente lstislneted to the link but shortely. i liek the manme thought. puupy dogs and rainvbows are gereat. biggrin
hahhaah just a bit. but i really do want to buy a cd. smile
so i am starting 2 new bands one is with brinny, and the other with the deathmetal guy i work with (nuns cunt)... both i feel will be very interesting. i have been trying to motivate myself to make some songs for both. i got some samples and made drum beat. later i am going to try making some weird shit to use. ......
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good luck! kiss
ps. i LOVE Brinny!! love
it sounds like its going to be fun...get your dang motivation already!!!! get crackin! wink
i just had the most amazingl "life moment" on the way to my house. first i drove by a cemetery and there was a lil old chumby man in front of a grave with his head down, his dog on a leash in his right hand and a cane in the other... it made me think of my grandparents and kinda got me upset. then...
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those are the best!!! biggrin
Smoke than out!!!
put a fucking old shirt on fire inside a can and newspaper that helps.
trust me ian brazilian i know this kind of shit.

i hate those guys!!!! there are a bunch of them carpentering away in the thing that covers the stairs to my house..they really suck!!! i also hate anything with a stinger. i stepped on a bee once when i was about seven years old and ever since i freak out when i see one. eeek
and thank you and your doggies for the hug. smile
so how the fuck do i read my friends journals now that there is this new and confusing setup?
I was thinking the same thing, but suddenly a feature showed up on my home page that allows me to see my friends blogs. you probably have it too.
i have no idea!!! im having the hardest time ever with this new thing!!!
so it has been an exciting weekend. got my hair corn rowed (see in my pics) got shit faced sat night. and just got a new tattoo. (my interpetation of a yin-yang) its a big one so i gotta go back next month to get it finished. once its healed a lil more ill take a pic. then once its done i'll take an other...
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ohhhh pretty pretty pretty!

isn't drinking fun!/?

snoop is hot! kiss
i'm getting a new tattoo this weekend... i think.
its going to be a night and day scene with a tree in the middle, and the tree on the night half will be in full bloom and on the day half dead.... a sorta yin-yang if you will. i need to draw it out and then give it to the guy to fix and tell...
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That sounds neato!
so i just went grocery shopping and spent $140.... how the hell did that happen. i bought a lot of yummy stuff though: apples , oranges (don't try to compare them), grapefruit, grapes...and other yuumy stuff... but my god $140
i've had those days. you think you're going in for no more than $40 and end up spending three times as much.
I have a credit card just devoted to food purchases and I just got my monthly bill... 280$ Yea. On food. and that excludes all the food my mom buys for me.