I would like to share my feelings about people who DJ with IPODS...
Does this seem like cheating to anyone else? ? ?
it's not fair game, some of use dedicate a whole lot of time & money collecting records. How can you call yourselves "discjockeys" when you're not even using discs?
I have no other complaints concerning ipod's. They're awesome! Although, I will never support anyone who uses them for Dj'ing in place of their records, or lack there of....
U DJ or MP3J ? hhaah!
i get there and hes sitting behind a table...on his computer...putting songs onto winamp.
needless to say i make fun of him everytime he tells anyone hes "dj-ing" somewhere. mind you he knows that what he does is a rip-off and he doesnt care, it leaves more time for him to do well, anything else.
So here I am, drunken on a Friday night and wishing more interesting people (such as yourself) in the SG community would update more often...
Tell me, Secretkey, how goes? I like the cut of your gib.
ps you like psychedelia, eh? - Id say one of the best is The Electric Prunes' Mass in F minor.
Rings my bells.