So it's currently 2:50am, I've been snuggled up in bed for a couple of hours now, trying to sleep but I can't
Hence why I'm on here, though Im not entirely ready to give up on sleep altogether yet.
How long do u persist? At what stage do u throw ur hands in the air in resignation and just bloody get up?

Hence why I'm on here, though Im not entirely ready to give up on sleep altogether yet.
How long do u persist? At what stage do u throw ur hands in the air in resignation and just bloody get up?
Insomnia sucks. I try meditation and breathing techniques. It helps a lot of the times, but not always. Good luck getting some rest. I think we all need more of it these days. Oh and just a tidbit of useless information because I am full of it. Did you know that a yawn last around six seconds in duration? Interesting.
Personally, I throw my hands up at about the four hour mark. I get up, do push ups, sit ups, drink some tea, and then try it all over again. That being said, I have lost more nights then I care to admit to insomnia. The bastard!!!