alot of shit has gone down...the dust is just settling.

well, my girl and i are no longer together.
there is not much more to say about that.
needless to say, self esteem has dropped (more than ever so slightly)
as always self worth comes into question, no matter how many times i tell myself not to let it. I kinda just want to have...
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my dad went into the hospital at 4 am, he had extreme chest pains, they kept him and might need to keep him tonight,.

i hope he is ok.

i really just want to lay down and do nothing.


alright well couldn't get ahold of her lasst night, she missed her own appointment that she wanted to have for us to talk and catch up.


surf was alright this morning, not terrible, but i have had better.

water was soo warm, felt nice.

a duckdive and all my troubles washed down my back and through the tumbling whitewater.

i mean, yeah they come...
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sorry i missed your comment.

i've been working with a contractor recently, so i'm not home at all.

i've been real wrapped up recently, and i probably will be for a while,
but it'd be cool to catch up or something perhaps.

i've been working mostly, so i haven't done much socializing.

thanks for remembering me, too.

didn't think people actually caught up with eachother here, meh. bok
well, tonight is the night, i face the fire...could be good, could be bad.
i hope that just either way she ends up being happy.

i do hope it is with me.

i really love her and it's kinda hard.


and maybe even a zg run tonight.

and tomorrow afternoon i start in the building of my boat!!!!!
i am soo fucking stoked....
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Good luck is being sent your way, and I'm glad to hear your happiness! I'm finding some of my own these days and it's always good to be able to see it in others. Well, I do have to ask though, what is a zg run? Just curious.

And sure, ask to be my friend any time! The only thing I ask though is that you mean it. I don't want any of this friendship w/ no communication going on. I like to actually be able to know my friends.

i am not hopeful, no worries, i am trying to deal with it.
she just might not care.

it's been par for course, so i cannot say i am surprised.

i mean,when you are totally out of touch with someone for more than a month, after non stop contact for about 2, you would expect more than a three line email, maybe a phone call?...
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Hello Justin!
I know I am getting tons of messages and the such, but usually they are not very well thought out, so I thank you for your honest message to me today and I'm glad that you enjoyed the set. I had lots of fun doing it and it's pretty exciting to hear do much positive feed back from everyone here. I'm just here to please and make beautiful Pin-Up art! So keep on surfin' and don't let lady woes get you down.

surfed today.

god it felt great.

after the water...life is just good, no matter what, all the shit, everything, does not exist.

it just feels like life.

I am back at home.
i am seeing friends, it is nice, for those who i invited to come to the 4th of july dealy, it is still going on, if i did not invite you, it's prolly cause you didn't ask to come, so please do =-)
i just found out that my ex had been cheating on me for 3 out of our...
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alright, leaving kilarney tomorrow morning at 615 am to shoot off back to dublin.
then a flight tomorrow night to france.
then...who knows?
i DO know that from france to london heathrow, (should be gatwick now that i think of it...quicker that way)
then from there to lutton, get my new ink done by gregg, and then back home to shiny old southern california.
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bored, nothing much to do, we leave cork for dublin which wil eventually turn into france...tomorrow morning.
missed hanging out with Daisy, i gues it was just meant to happen at a later date. no worries though, we are still having a good time.
i had to leave the bru cause of all the early middle aged people who thought they were cool for...
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ireland is muuhc better, we lost whit (missed our flight) so she can''t make the time shitty.

now we are back onto cork so we can goof off some more.

finally saw the ocaen.

it was nice.

fuck off cold as all hell.

but nice.