early morning, i was sick the past two days...
much better now.
watching saved by the bell, listening to Israel Kamakawiwo's cover of over the rainbow/what a wonderful world.

gonna be a great day, I am dming th d-10 mage game for a group of young high school kids, it is sofaking cool.
we are using awakening/world of darkness, and i threw in VTR and...
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fuck, buncha shit has happened...I passed my CPAT and am now applying to fire departments for academy.
still have my hair, we opened the new coffee shop, and i started surfing again (thank god).

have a new cat, cause the assholes who live behind the coffe shop did not like him, and i am tired as all shit.

my birthday is soon, and i am...
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bos was a dick, missed my cpat.

how much fun is that?

it's ok, i worked out that night ten times what the cpat could have given me, i won't miss the next one.

well, turns out the girl i am falling for needs a friend more than a boyfriend so guess what?
yep, that's right.

for the first time I am ok with...
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Happy Holidays!!! kiss kiss kiss
alright then, cpat on saturday, woot!
first condensed physical agility test for the los angeles county fire department.

so on my way to the gas station this morning my car ran out of gas,

three blocks away. a cabbie stopped and said "get off fucking road, get it together, get your shit together!"

i wanted to hit him with a sword...god, i figured i was...
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just realized i referred top god a shitload in that blog...kinda weird, dunno why.

not all that religious or anything, but i guess as just a frame of refference?

anyway, enough of that, if you don't like god, replace it with bhuddah, or anything else you want, god just came up in the expressions that's all.

fuuck! talk about OCD>
hehe, tired, but this really made me trip.
laugh, cause it is funny.
I swear that is the speech i am going to give to my lil bro.
wow, it has been a while.
i am doing well.
work is good, and I am going to be (hopefully) joining up with the Los Angeles Fire Department this next spring. taking of from school for a little bit. I am really excited about that!!!! you have no idea!

I voted today...have to say, I am not sure wether I am happy or appaled at...
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hello there my people, i miss and love you all, it has been a little while.
i am finally getting things in order...i got a new car...it's my baby, i love it soooo much my jeep
i am working, schooling, and having fun, i wouldlove to hear from everyone, please say hello, i have not ime to blog at the moment, i will talk to...
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biggrin Damn it's good to know that I'm not being neglected, but it's also much better to know that good shit is going on with you. School and work will make us all well rounded people!! Chat when ever you have the time.
lotsa crazy good shit going on!

went to disneyland yesterday, do not have time to say anything but hi and i will talk to you all soon, i am not neglecting you i promise.
I hope that you're not neglecting us!! That would make me sad. I can't say much myself though, it's been ages since I've replied to any messages!! eeek
Comic-con rocked, yet again coop has pictures, so i will get them from him around mondayish (his weekend) and post, i am trying to buy my car, and it seems it will go well.

i am also working a bit more, and reading a hell of a lot, and playing WoW, but not fucking surfing..cause there is no fucking surf!!!!!

ok, phew, got that...
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if im ever in culver city, ill be sure to hit you up.


going to comic con today.

i thnk one of my litte brothers friends stole my money...well took some ot if...but he does not have any friends like that.

so then again, I might have just misplaced it.

ooh ooh, i am going to buy a car, a new one, like brand shiny new.! well, it
looks like this!

allright, i am off have to go...
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