Fuckin' shit, I haven't updated this in ages, though most of the people who would actually read I talk to daily, so no reason to other than indulge in my self importance =)
I am a freelance writer and coach now, no more PR for a bit, gives me more time to train and surf.
I am writing a few new scripts, let's hope one gets picked up, no?
I have pretty much nothing to say, just getting situated in the new apartment and really hoping the water warms up because I have been doing a lot of surfing recently.
I will post pics!

Surfing is fun, and we started playing baseball in the park as well, so that is fun!:

I am a freelance writer and coach now, no more PR for a bit, gives me more time to train and surf.
I am writing a few new scripts, let's hope one gets picked up, no?
I have pretty much nothing to say, just getting situated in the new apartment and really hoping the water warms up because I have been doing a lot of surfing recently.
I will post pics!

Surfing is fun, and we started playing baseball in the park as well, so that is fun!: