Horribly stressful day today. It's tax season so that means my workload triples. It sucks. And I'm still looking for a dog, my bf says I can't have one till April, but I want to have one picked out. SO I am temporarily dog crazy and all I think about are cute pooches!!! Also, really sad that my pic didn't get chosen for the curvy girls appreciation page on FB, I know it wasn't the greatest pic quality but I was really hopeful.
Anyways that's enough sadness I suppose. I will try harder, I can't wait to have a set shot! Or at least some pics for model mayhem. And next year Mardi Gras is on my birthday, tooootally going!
Anyways that's enough sadness I suppose. I will try harder, I can't wait to have a set shot! Or at least some pics for model mayhem. And next year Mardi Gras is on my birthday, tooootally going!
i've had my jack russell terrier for over 13 years now, and she's still going strong! they are great little dogs.