So last night my bf told me I should stop wearing red lipstick. and that really hurt my feelings. then he said he would help me find a better color but not tonight cause he is spending it with his friend who he has also made it clear he is spending tomorrow with this friend and he is taking a group of his friends (and thre me a left over invite) to the mall this weekend in honor of that friends bday which is today. I've never met this friend. Anyways so I have been trying and trying to get in touch with him all day and when he finally answers hes like what I just finished lunch (with said friend) and now I'm taking (said friend) to the movies. and I was like haw can you go to the movies on your lunch break? and he said he took the day off cause its his friends bday. Needless to say, I'm pissed. He can't even remember what day my bday is! but I'll remember this when he doesnt take the day off or take me to the movies or anything. ALSO I asked my bf to go to olive garden with me, and he invited his friends to!!! I cancelled the trip and have informed him I no longer want to go to the mall.

I'm sorry sweetheart
I love the red lipstick, it looks awesome on you! I agree...if he doesn't want to include you in things, make plans of your own without him! <3

Lose the red lipstick?? No way, those couple of photos you posted a few blogs ago (with and without glasses) look amazing