So ready to be done with this community service! And I want to adopt a dog from the spca soooo bad but they are all so adorable and precious and well mannered I just don't know which one to bring home! Anyone have any advice on how to decide? I wish I could work there. Would make me so happy.
More Blogs
Tuesday Dec 25, 2012
Ugh, Demon child on xmas. So tired now. blagh. -
Sunday Dec 23, 2012
My Betta fish died. I am so upset. I tried so hard I kept his tank cl… -
Friday Dec 21, 2012
OMG YES!!! Victorian ruffles on the cover!!!! I get so excited when h… -
Thursday Dec 20, 2012
omg my laptop is infected by a horrible virus!! I'm strickly mobile f… -
Tuesday Dec 18, 2012
Lovely friends, are any of you members of the PSW group? If so I'd re… -
Monday Dec 17, 2012
You guys! i have tried so hard to lose weight, and it just doesn't wo… -
Tuesday Dec 11, 2012
Ugh these past fe w days have been crazy trying to get ready for my m… -
Saturday Dec 08, 2012
trying to get ready for the xmas party, took forever to do my hair no… -
Friday Dec 07, 2012
I'm tired and stressed. epic epic sigh. -
Thursday Dec 06, 2012 at work is our xmas party so diet is on hold. Cause I …