My Betta fish died. I am so upset. I tried so hard I kept his tank clean with lots of plants (mostly fake) and I gave him a nice big home with a cave and everything. I always made sure the water was right and the heat was right and he just became really pale and listless and then this morning he was gone :'( I am so sad!!!! I loved Bartholomew! And I think he liked me, he would always come up to the glass when I got home and he loved exploring his tank. I just wanted to give him a good life and now he is gone!!!! I don't know what I did wrong. And now I'm scared to ever get another fish cause what if I'm a bad fish parent and they will die too? but now I have these aquatic plants established and I don't want to just dump the water out and kill them. What do I do?
My poor Bartholomew! :'(

Here is a good website

Big hugs to you and Merry Christmas