Really nervouse about the photoshoot in January. And I have a new tattoo scheduled. Gonna be my longest sitting yet, he said it will probably take multiple sessions. He said the first one should take 6 hours. I'm soooo scared! He said I needed some sort of chemical thing I forgot it's name. i was assuming he was talking about a numbing agent. Well, more like he suggested it, but I think it's a good idea considering as how 1) scared of needles and 2) a big baby when it comes to pain issues. Still too scared to get my nipples done. Sigh. I am such a wimp lol I hope it gets better and that I get over this issue. Cause I want them done soooo bad!
Lol... Yea I don't know how anyone gets there nipples pierced! OUCH
The pain us superficial but the trophies are forever. The nipples piercing are rough but worth it and i have a 6g captive bead in one and two 10g in the other. Fear is our worst enemy if life.