Wow I worked my tail off yesterday and my body is kicking my ass for it today!!! I moved furniture for my grandma, did 50 situps (eee!!!) a handful of pushups (didn't count) 2 minute long planks
OW! and then I did some SUPER INTENSE yoga before bed. I ALMOST drank 5 glasses of water, I just can't drink that much liquid in one day!! but I got 4.5 down which I figured was close enough. Found out last night the gender of my sister in laws baby is!!! I have a little Nephew on the way people!!!!!
I love babies. And my cousin and his wife are having a baby boy too! December for my cousin and his wife, Feb. for my sister in law and her husband. I am going to be in a world of happy! completely surrounded by babies!!!! eee!!! It makes me realize how big my daughter is getting
She can walk and dance and eat with a fork and spoon and say HI! HI! HI! and Heeeey!!! And she pretends everything is a cell phone and carries it around next to her ear and talks into it. My giant baby
On to other news. Still haven't heard back from the photographer and now I am getting very nervous. I keep having nightmares that he opened up the file with the face shot and 3/4 shot and full body shot in it and just laughed so hard he fell off his chair
I hope I hear something soon, I know he is busy and I just have to be patient but it is so hard.
I did my hair a different way today tell me what you folks think

On to other news. Still haven't heard back from the photographer and now I am getting very nervous. I keep having nightmares that he opened up the file with the face shot and 3/4 shot and full body shot in it and just laughed so hard he fell off his chair

I did my hair a different way today tell me what you folks think

Hope you are haveing a great week!