So i'm really tired lately. Yesterday I did driving for 2 hours with the instructor and it went ok. I also went for a 2 mile walk yesterday in my Avia Avi-Motion's and i did about 30 min of INTENSE yoga and I was able to do the shoulder stand and everything i was so proud of myself!
Today I went driving for 2 hours again and at the very end it started POURING rain, could not see at all with the wipers on so the instructor and I traded places and she drove us the rest of the way home and all of the stop lights were out and it was nuts. Then the power was off at the house and i took a nap and woke up with the power back on and dinner on the table. My daughter has been a little brat lately though.
Tomorrow I go driving at 10 am for 2 hours then i take my drive test EEEK!!! and as long as i do nothing wrong i might, MIGHT, come away with a license so fingers crossed!!! And tomorrow I turn in an application for a place here in town and we shall see how that goes.
Thursday I have a job interview with an insurance company in Columbia which is an hour from here and I am worried about that as well. Its for a manager in training and that just makes me worry a lot.
Two last things. One is i am counting down the days until my fiance visits me even though we don't know yes how many days that IS soo...also the other thing, your opinions requested.
Does it make me selfish that I really really really want a job for one and I am super excited about getting a job so i can get an apartment and furniture and a car and car insurance and such but...after all of that is taken care of i really really really want to buy myself some cloths. Is that wrong of me? If it is too bad cause im freaking tired of only owning one pair of jeans damnit.
Today I went driving for 2 hours again and at the very end it started POURING rain, could not see at all with the wipers on so the instructor and I traded places and she drove us the rest of the way home and all of the stop lights were out and it was nuts. Then the power was off at the house and i took a nap and woke up with the power back on and dinner on the table. My daughter has been a little brat lately though.
Tomorrow I go driving at 10 am for 2 hours then i take my drive test EEEK!!! and as long as i do nothing wrong i might, MIGHT, come away with a license so fingers crossed!!! And tomorrow I turn in an application for a place here in town and we shall see how that goes.
Thursday I have a job interview with an insurance company in Columbia which is an hour from here and I am worried about that as well. Its for a manager in training and that just makes me worry a lot.
Two last things. One is i am counting down the days until my fiance visits me even though we don't know yes how many days that IS soo...also the other thing, your opinions requested.
Does it make me selfish that I really really really want a job for one and I am super excited about getting a job so i can get an apartment and furniture and a car and car insurance and such but...after all of that is taken care of i really really really want to buy myself some cloths. Is that wrong of me? If it is too bad cause im freaking tired of only owning one pair of jeans damnit.