So I am sitting here waiting for the email to confirm my account on a website that is going to allow me to sell the jewlery I make online I am pretty excited. I figure once I sell enough online and save up I can start selling them in person along with some handmade jewelry boxes and different articles of clothing like corsets and things which I am working on learning how to make. I am pretty excited seeing as now I have a plan and can be proactive about making life better. For now 
Oh also I drove for the first time on a major road with stop lights and turn lanes and everything today. FREAKING SCARY!! I almost rear ended two people and my knees were shaking so hard when I got out of the car. Yikes.

Oh also I drove for the first time on a major road with stop lights and turn lanes and everything today. FREAKING SCARY!! I almost rear ended two people and my knees were shaking so hard when I got out of the car. Yikes.
great news! dont forget to include the link to the store when you have it ready.
Have you tried selling things on Etsy? I am in love with that website.