Not exactly seeing as how I am not going to spend $100 to have 4 pictures to put on a website. So I guess it doesn't mean that much to me. That and I am broke. LOL but they were very high quality pictures just done on a timer. Might the fact I had to compress them a few times to make them work have something to do with it?
probably the compression was a factor. then again, i can only guess they would have to be heavily resized and compressed to be rejected.
and i hear ya, $100 is quite a lot, there are other options, even if you take the photos yourself. the best will always be to work with a photographer, amateur or pro. amateur photographers should not charge you.
and i hear ya, $100 is quite a lot, there are other options, even if you take the photos yourself. the best will always be to work with a photographer, amateur or pro. amateur photographers should not charge you.