Ok oops. I need soeone to help me find something. Years ago I came across an SG tattoo. like a super super cool tattoo, have been thinking of it ever since. I need someone to help me remember which SG has this tattoo. It was on the ribby to tummy area. There may have been a Spade involved, but there definitely was smoke. It was...
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My house was broken into yesterday, and all of my electronics and valuables were stolen. I am very upset over all of that, but specifically I am upset about my custom laptop that was stolen. Not only was it special and very pricey, but it also had a lot of private and important information on it. Worst of all, it had all of my pictures...
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It's three am. I can't sleep. I don't want to watch TV, I don't want to read any of my books. I feel like I should be doing things. People tell me I should try to start writing again, and self publish. But I haven't written anything in so long, what if I have lost it? I wouldn't even know where to start.
What do...
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I'm soooo bored. Like seriously. No one is responding to my texts, I have zero plans, it's a three day weekend and all I have done is slow cooked some potatoes and carrots.
My life is lame :(
My life is so pointless. I look at my life and all of my goals along the way and, honestly, what is the point?
Am I changing the world? No. Am I doing anything profound or meaningful at all with my life?? No. We live in a world where everything is about money and how much stuff we have.
The ironic part is we designed...
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I'm camming again! http://chaturbate.com/affiliates/in/LQps/M2v8f/?track=default&room=saoirseemerald woooo
I do my weight loss goals in mini goals. And this week (starting wednesday cause I messed up yesterday) my entire focus is consuming the total recommended daily amount of water for me. Which, is not 64 fl oz. That's a thing of the past. 122 fl oz to 128 fl oz is how many I need to have every day. So, while I'm working...
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I do my weight loss goals in mini goals. And this week (starting wednesday cause I messed up yesterday) my entire focus is consuming the total recommended daily amount of water for me. Which, is not 64 fl oz. That's a thing of the past. 122 fl oz to 128 fl oz is how many I need to have every day. So, while I'm working...
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I was just told I'm a communist for not liking football. Wow. Our society disgusts me sometimes.