The journal christening.
I have a headache, and its one o'clock in the morning. I should be in bed, but for some strange reason i find myself aimlessly perusing this website. I hope this doesn't turn into some strange addiction.
I find myself wondering how I even came to be here at all, and what, for that matter, all this means to me. Is it love of voyeurism. Fetishism? (it occured to me that essentially, clicking on the autoplay button is, when you boil it down, a private striptease in the comfort of your own home).
Loneliness? A good a reason as any to do something... but no. Boredom? I don't think so. Perversion? hehe... maybe... but no.
I'm hear out of a genuine curiousity regarding the everyday happenings of other people i suppose. Part of this online community for all the aforementioned reasons, and at the same time, none of them. Thats enough for now... Back to my new found obsession.
I have a headache, and its one o'clock in the morning. I should be in bed, but for some strange reason i find myself aimlessly perusing this website. I hope this doesn't turn into some strange addiction.
I find myself wondering how I even came to be here at all, and what, for that matter, all this means to me. Is it love of voyeurism. Fetishism? (it occured to me that essentially, clicking on the autoplay button is, when you boil it down, a private striptease in the comfort of your own home).
Loneliness? A good a reason as any to do something... but no. Boredom? I don't think so. Perversion? hehe... maybe... but no.
I'm hear out of a genuine curiousity regarding the everyday happenings of other people i suppose. Part of this online community for all the aforementioned reasons, and at the same time, none of them. Thats enough for now... Back to my new found obsession.