Oh my Jesussssss.... Got my hands on the next wtf crunk dance song... It's called "Do The Batman".. How does one do the Batman??? I have no fucking clue the song was just released today. But one of the two people responsible for this masterpiece has informed me that there's a dance contest... Sooo I guess you just get on youtube and post video of yourself doing the batman... I'm suggesting neck snaps and throwing beer bottles like they're batarangs but I don't think that will go over well.
The song can be found right thuuur.
I can't wait to play this tonight at a peak hour just to see what happens. Djing top 40 just got a lil interesting... Well for tonight anyways.
The song can be found right thuuur.
I can't wait to play this tonight at a peak hour just to see what happens. Djing top 40 just got a lil interesting... Well for tonight anyways.
Oh shit man, Halo is garbage. MW2 is a lot better than the first, imo. D:
It's the Institute of Contemporary Arts. Naturally.
Tara Mcpherson was there. And she pretty much rules.
So, i'm a bit late on this...but would you still recommend The Gate? It's been sooo long since i saw it, and now it's on dvd i see. A guilty pleasure perhaps?