I'm on a gawd damned flyer!!!
Questing for the perfect Outfield - Your Love remix. Luckily Discotech put one out that I didn't know about. Still on the search though, have a couple bmore edits and what not. Can't decide which one I like better.
Alsssooooo working on getting an 80's monthly dance party going. Got a bar manager on board, we're going to promote the fuck out of it. It's going to be a mixture of 80's original mixes, current remixes and mash-ups. We're going to have to set our 80's night apart from the only other regular successful 80's night in Austin which is just straight up new wave dance music. It's also going to set that bar apart from 98% of the bars on 6th street for that night. Most of them are either live music or top 40 formated.

I'm on a gawd damned flyer!!!
Questing for the perfect Outfield - Your Love remix. Luckily Discotech put one out that I didn't know about. Still on the search though, have a couple bmore edits and what not. Can't decide which one I like better.
Alsssooooo working on getting an 80's monthly dance party going. Got a bar manager on board, we're going to promote the fuck out of it. It's going to be a mixture of 80's original mixes, current remixes and mash-ups. We're going to have to set our 80's night apart from the only other regular successful 80's night in Austin which is just straight up new wave dance music. It's also going to set that bar apart from 98% of the bars on 6th street for that night. Most of them are either live music or top 40 formated.
Good luck with your night as well, i live in a town with the same shit each and every night where its about cheap drinks to get as many people through the door as possible, leaving the music as an afterthought.
No imagination or risks here, just the same shit you've heard on the radio all day except louder! Joy.
Oh crap, didn't mean for a rant!