Recently came into like 3 gigs worth of 80's 12" bsides and extended mixes. I'm in heaven... Mr Mister take these broken wings has an extra 2 more minutes of cheese. This version of Take on Me doesn't just fade out at the end and has a pretty epic choir ahhhh aaahhhhhh ahhhhh tacked on at the front. Pure Energy has some awesome scratch effect woosh echo intro.
I'm just sad that I can't find an extended mix of Tim Capello's I still believe or Aldo Nova's Fantasy. The last of which I know exists and clocks in at 9 minutes. Which is like 4 more minutes of cheesy face melting 80's glam then you're used to.
This has given me pretty big and needed pick me, I've been pretty down since a friend passed away last week. I just wish Austin had a fun 80's night somewhere. The big one that I know about is more on the depressing cure/petshop synth side of the 80s, which I love, but the fun excessively cheesy side is what I want.
Now comes the super fun part of going through all the songs and adding cue points. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...
I'm just sad that I can't find an extended mix of Tim Capello's I still believe or Aldo Nova's Fantasy. The last of which I know exists and clocks in at 9 minutes. Which is like 4 more minutes of cheesy face melting 80's glam then you're used to.
This has given me pretty big and needed pick me, I've been pretty down since a friend passed away last week. I just wish Austin had a fun 80's night somewhere. The big one that I know about is more on the depressing cure/petshop synth side of the 80s, which I love, but the fun excessively cheesy side is what I want.
Now comes the super fun part of going through all the songs and adding cue points. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...
The only time I can recall being totally let down was with a Prince "Kiss" extended mix.
Still have no idea when the game is actually out, but i'm just hoping it sells you know?