No set rules for which path to take in one's life. Decisions are up to ourselves without a clear vision of which decision is the right decision. We're all trying to find our way to happiness, but it's difficult to tell which path will lead us there. Even with all the preparation and information available, we could still be travelling headlong towards heartache and suffering. I guess that's why I sometimes resist change. But without change we're lost and quickly rot into living corpses.
More Blogs
Wednesday Apr 14, 2004
my god. i just had the most surreal, jarring experience i've had in a… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
Work is kickin' my butt. Luckily I'm up to the task having recently a… -
Friday Apr 09, 2004
filmers beware golden retreaded classics of a very variety cement che… -
Thursday Apr 08, 2004
sometimes i just get so pissed and sad that i just can't be around a… -
Tuesday Mar 16, 2004
there is a chance that when the world calms down and the night drapes… -
Sunday Mar 14, 2004
guided by voices rocked last night. pollard was drunk even as they to… -
Tuesday Mar 09, 2004
try as i might i can't shake the feeling that the glowing worms in my… -
Tuesday Mar 09, 2004
this new prescription is making me feel like i'm underwater. and that… -
Saturday Mar 06, 2004
i wish i wasn't a robot. my wires would become arteries carrying life… -
Sunday Feb 29, 2004
i know just how cliche this sounds but there is no other way to put i…
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