Let's pretend for a moment. Pretend that you are in a cautious dwelling with no interface and a dream-team workshop. That you could re-invent the trident of philosophy, science, and poetry into a ten gallon hat worn by dan "hoss" blocker on bonanza. Where do you put the idea machine? Would you replace your washer with this appliance? Let's all manufacture a fake cardboard diorama of a zodiac hole. You choose the month you want to feature and the material you wish to use, but it must resemble cardboard without actually being cardboard. Get me?
Without fail you will task the pleasure and perform your presentation with a quiet dignity that can't be ignored. Don't let it pour out of you. Just let it ooze. Then one merry day you'll find the sun inside your mind and perhaps you will reflect to us what it really looks like.
in non-crazy news:
Clean Room?
Clean Car?
House Buying Class Taken?
Movie with Dad watched (Hellboy)
Plans Made to visit Liza?
Stuff I should get done this week(end):
-clean kitchen (dishes)
-begin cleaning storage room
-call jennifer
-get dave's care package together
-buy food
Without fail you will task the pleasure and perform your presentation with a quiet dignity that can't be ignored. Don't let it pour out of you. Just let it ooze. Then one merry day you'll find the sun inside your mind and perhaps you will reflect to us what it really looks like.
in non-crazy news:
Clean Room?
Clean Car?
House Buying Class Taken?
Movie with Dad watched (Hellboy)
Plans Made to visit Liza?
Stuff I should get done this week(end):
-clean kitchen (dishes)
-begin cleaning storage room
-call jennifer
-get dave's care package together
-buy food