there is a chance that when the world calms down and the night drapes itself over us like a blanket, the phoenix will appear and try to fly once again.
indoors, outdoors, it doesn't really matter. the same flashing light will be seen like looking through a film audio marker made by some lowly assistant editor at academic filmstrips inc. he is both flashed and the flasher. the giver and the receiver of the signal.
so just walk forward into the dark room, don't fumble for the light. the sun'll be up soon enough.
indoors, outdoors, it doesn't really matter. the same flashing light will be seen like looking through a film audio marker made by some lowly assistant editor at academic filmstrips inc. he is both flashed and the flasher. the giver and the receiver of the signal.
so just walk forward into the dark room, don't fumble for the light. the sun'll be up soon enough.

Charming? I was going for depressing and worthy of enough sympathy for someone to buy me a new computer.