Sometimes - nanopowrimo
A knife is lodged
Under my gut
Silver steel stillness
Daring me to move
Scraping inner skin
This sordid shift
Pricks my will
Small and bloodless
Attack of the gutless
Runs away
Stay blind to the damage
It's easier that way.
And sometimes a phoenix
Dressed as feathered finch
Nests me in soft sage
Swaying aloft
In branch-framed day
Stretched and strengthed
With just a wink of care
And finally I breathe, slow
The thin sweet air
Rising above
This maddening cloud
A knife is lodged
Under my gut
Silver steel stillness
Daring me to move
Scraping inner skin
This sordid shift
Pricks my will
Small and bloodless
Attack of the gutless
Runs away
Stay blind to the damage
It's easier that way.
And sometimes a phoenix
Dressed as feathered finch
Nests me in soft sage
Swaying aloft
In branch-framed day
Stretched and strengthed
With just a wink of care
And finally I breathe, slow
The thin sweet air
Rising above
This maddening cloud
thank you so much sweetie!
Thanks for the welcome!