So I interviewed Robin Guthrie of the Cocteau Twins yesterday. Interesting guy...very down to Earth.
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 17, 2005
The beloved Friday night gathered around me, I slink upstairs after a… -
Tuesday Aug 30, 2005
Let's all be best pals and go on adventures. Whattaya say? -
Monday Aug 15, 2005
Shuffling around in the cool summer air after a week of sweating unde… -
Monday Jul 11, 2005
There was this time I turned over in my bed, wrapped in sheets and sl… -
Wednesday Jun 01, 2005
Dear Diary- Today I had an elephant ear with Suzuki in the park. W… -
Sunday May 29, 2005
Sadness sucks. -
Friday May 27, 2005
There was this time I turned over in my bed, wrapped in sheets and sl… -
Friday May 20, 2005
Last night I sat Shiva for the Purple Pie Man. Strawberry and her pal… -
Friday Apr 29, 2005
Unexpected kindness, especially when coated with sugar, is a real lif… -
Saturday Apr 23, 2005
I'm back in action. I bet you all missed me like a motherfuck......uh…
We've got enough material for the first 4 shows but want to get 6 shows ahead before we launch.
The show is modular, and I think each party stands alone well enough.
1. Song Reviews - We review songs that are put out on artist and label websites. We talk about what we hear in the music, possible influences, why it's interesting or sucks, etc.
Oh, did I mention it's random what song we'll get? It's kind of MST3K in that vein.
2. Interviews- We want to talk to both musicians and music-lovers. We want to get to the heart of what turns people on about a certain song, artist, or album. We want non-ironic discussions about the nature of music and why it affects us so.
3. Music Term of the Week- We've been working with a friend who is a doctorate of composition about musical terms. We'll try to cover one each show in an interesting and entertaining way. For instance- What is a Concerto? What differentiates that from other musical movements? Or another week perhaps- What is Reverb? All the while we'll use funny and effective musical examples to illuminate the term.
4. Point/Counterpoint- Must think of a better name for this. My parnter, LT and I will take opposite sides of a musical issue- and believe me when I say we disagree on plenty. He thinks the White album is the Beatles worst album, I think he's insane as it's easily in my top three favorite Beatles albums.
It should be shaping up to launch in the next month. (cross fingers)