The expositon of my friend was awsome, she had really great comments for her picture ( not only because she was naked on it but for the style she have). Her sister too...her paintings are very alive i think. The "soire" began at 8h midnight i was a little to much on the sauce
. Did i say that i had myself some good comments for the publicit i did for her
..I was glad they were so taughfull for the flyer and the poster i did
Bon maudit que je suis pas tres bon pour crire en englais.
. La semaine va etre longue..euh fin de semaine ..hier au Scanner...demains *ce soir barberie et apres...ouch le commence a me faire vieux pour toujours sortir ainsi
. Et bien c'est cela bien content d'etre de retour...comment ne pas refuser l'offre de Missy pour les membres oldshool
Je vous lche partout chow !
Bon maudit que je suis pas tres bon pour crire en englais.
Je vous lche partout chow !
rebienvenue sur SG.