Finally im working !! yeah, I have past the last month without any money going in...its tought.
And for celebrating that i have bought a imac G4 !!
Now i have more sex appeal then never
I'm trying to grow a beard to...never saw myself whit hair in the face...lets see what i will look.
C'est quoi ses treads la de news sur la...
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And for celebrating that i have bought a imac G4 !!

Now i have more sex appeal then never

I'm trying to grow a beard to...never saw myself whit hair in the face...lets see what i will look.
C'est quoi ses treads la de news sur la...
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!!tu connais Black Label Society ??

J'adore trop Renaud : Voici les Bobos
On les appelle bourgeois bohmes
Ou bien bobos pour les intimes
Dans les chanson d'Vincent Delerm
On les retrouve chaque rime
Ils sont une nouvelle classe
Aprs les bourges et les prolos
Pas loin des beaufs, quoique plus classe
Je vais vous en dresser le tableau
Sont un peu artistes c'est dj a
Mais leur passion c'est leur...
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On les appelle bourgeois bohmes
Ou bien bobos pour les intimes
Dans les chanson d'Vincent Delerm
On les retrouve chaque rime
Ils sont une nouvelle classe
Aprs les bourges et les prolos
Pas loin des beaufs, quoique plus classe
Je vais vous en dresser le tableau
Sont un peu artistes c'est dj a
Mais leur passion c'est leur...
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The show was really good. the girls where so beautiful and very talented. The band pink mochi was good to.
But : WTF ! Am i small....or the scene was to seem to me that all the people around me was soo tall.
Stupid punk who started a fight. My friend got it by him in the fight for no reasons...i push him but..anyway....
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But : WTF ! Am i small....or the scene was to seem to me that all the people around me was soo tall.
Stupid punk who started a fight. My friend got it by him in the fight for no reasons...i push him but..anyway....
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II was at the show too.
The fight moved to where I was standing and I got bumped.
In few minutes the security got the guy on the ground and it was the end of it.
I wasn't near the stage but I enjoyed to show anyway.
I'm sorry I didn't see or recognize you. As a matter of fact, I didn't recognize anyone beside the ones I came in with...
Faudra faire un GT special, un bon jour, histoire de reprendre les rencontres manques.
The fight moved to where I was standing and I got bumped.
In few minutes the security got the guy on the ground and it was the end of it.
I wasn't near the stage but I enjoyed to show anyway.
I'm sorry I didn't see or recognize you. As a matter of fact, I didn't recognize anyone beside the ones I came in with...
Faudra faire un GT special, un bon jour, histoire de reprendre les rencontres manques.
oui c clair qu'il a deja un sacre caractere!!!mais il est tellement chou...

Montreal for the week end.
SG Burlesque tour !
See you there.
SG Burlesque tour !

See you there.
Okay, a lot happen in the past week.
Day one : we took the plane to Calgary by night. It was my first time in a plane...i love the feeling
. When we arrive the men who propose the job to us was waiting. He said that finally we will not have a free appart to live in and that we will have to find...
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Day one : we took the plane to Calgary by night. It was my first time in a plane...i love the feeling

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Merci beaucoup pout on commentaire!!

Hahaha! Holy shit, man!
That right there is a crazy tale.
Sorry, Calgary sucked, but... well... Calgary has been known to suck.
That right there is a crazy tale.
Sorry, Calgary sucked, but... well... Calgary has been known to suck.
Sorry for those who live in sure your great people...but FUCK CALGARY up the ASS !!
theres absolutly no appart or room available....damn im tired of searching
Vancouver here i come baby
theres absolutly no appart or room available....damn im tired of searching
Vancouver here i come baby
I'm off to Calgary tomorrow
. I cant believe that im actually not be able to sleep in my own bed for maybe 3 month
. I will try to uptade this blog at least once a week...if i find a coffee that have internet ..or something like that. And if all goes as plan we gonna do a short clip of what we done...
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at least it help to keep smiling after me shitty day

at least it help to keep smiling after me shitty day

Rise was very cool.. they played 4 song, we we're approximately 50...
A private show with theirs new songs..
A private show with theirs new songs..

In about a week, i will move to Calgary for 2-3month. Its the first time of my life that im going away on a trip like gonna try to see a lot of country and visiting some Us state to. Its gonna be great. I will probably go to Banff, Vancouver, Edmondton, and some place in Montana and Seatle.
Hope everything go as plan...surely...
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tres bien egalement...terrible tes videos

ok cool !!

Its a new record 3 weeks without a comment on my blog!
Should i go to Calgary to work for a month....or not...that is the question.

Should i go to Calgary to work for a month....or not...that is the question.
Yay ! entering now 2 week with no comments on my post !
Ah....stupid foolish love....
I cant change my job..bouh
And i need 400$ for my tattoo that gonne cost me between 600-800$..ouch
La seul bonne nouvelle c'est que je me suis faite des contacts durant la journee que jai travailler comme assisant camraman
. Jai rancontrer un ancien cameraman de musiqueplus aussi qui...
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Ah....stupid foolish love....
I cant change my job..bouh

And i need 400$ for my tattoo that gonne cost me between 600-800$..ouch

La seul bonne nouvelle c'est que je me suis faite des contacts durant la journee que jai travailler comme assisant camraman

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Love, ....why must i fall i love with a girl who is so complicated ...She said to me to not attach myself to much.....but she feel good when she is with me. What the hell should i do...dammit i hate being in love.
And for the good news i got the contrat to be the Cameraman Assitant for a show !!!

And for the good news i got the contrat to be the Cameraman Assitant for a show !!!
I'm in love....dammit !
Et oui sa va de mieux en mieux avec la fille de l'autre fois que je je crois que sa va bien
Et oui sa va de mieux en mieux avec la fille de l'autre fois que je je crois que sa va bien