Iv had a few people message me about my Instagram I haven’t been deleted! (Luckily) but I have deactivated it for a short time
Without being able to model (the U.K. has been in lockdown for over 2 months and it feels like forever) my confidence has taken a massive dive,
I’m finding it really hard to look at myself and find myself beautiful anymore,...
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Sooo I’m turning 30 on Saturday!
I was actually meant to be in Vegas for my 30th but due to the U.K. Covid rules I won’t be and will In fact still be in lockdown sadly!
But I am having a proper birthday cake! I haven’t had a actual birthday cake for about 7 years now so that’s kinda exciting and Iv been promised vegan
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If you use it my username is
Iv been really getting into film during lockdown and I’m really interested to see what other people watch!
Also happy for any film suggestions :)
Isn’t tooth ache the worst?
I had a little bit of tooth pain last Thursday that ended up being a infection that stopped me from eating for 4 days and left me bed bound till yesterday
Ohhh and made my face swell a little 😔
Gotta have 2 root canals next week which I’m pretty much dreading but hopefully il never be in the pain
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I have survived over a week of lockdown by myself!
I would like to say Iv used this time and been really productive but I have mostly just eaten, done yoga and napped.
Does anyone else put pressure on themselves they should be doing more?
or get up feeling motivated and loose that motivation by lunch time?
Anyway counting down the weeks I can go
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I am notoriously bad with keeping up to date on social media
So first I am sorry!
I wanna change this and at least write weekly blogs on here!
So let’s start with a introduction!
I’m Kym I live in the not so sunny town of Birmingham down in the U.K. and I’m 29.
My current job is assistant bar manager but due to
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