thanks for all the birthday wishes
my birthday was amazing, pics to come later
tonight is true blood night. i pretty much stayed inside all day because i was in pain. but i was forced to venture out in the crazy heat for pizza. it is HOT outside.
ummm...oh yes! i had an event company call me wanting to discuss details on me being their house photographer
that is awesome. i at first was shocked, but then its like "yeah-i CAN do this"! so i am very excited to talk details and see what comes of it. if i do sign with them. that means i get at least 1 wedding damn near every weekend including my own.
if you want to keep up on my crazy updates, add me as a facebook friend. leave a note "from sg" so i know who you are lol!/marisataylorzimmerman
tonight is true blood night. i pretty much stayed inside all day because i was in pain. but i was forced to venture out in the crazy heat for pizza. it is HOT outside.
ummm...oh yes! i had an event company call me wanting to discuss details on me being their house photographer
if you want to keep up on my crazy updates, add me as a facebook friend. leave a note "from sg" so i know who you are lol!/marisataylorzimmerman
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