Last night was quite interesting. Let's see what I did.
I received my first cupping session (where they heat up glass cups/jars, place it on your body and create a vacuum). The one on my nipple was 50/50. The person doing the session heated up too long and created a HUGE vacuum on my boob. I had to walk around the party with my dress on and boob out because we had to wait about 15 minutes before we can remove the glass
I also beat/flogged/whipped the holy loving jesus out of a good friend (who requested it from me). then the other guests at the party took turns in the fun, showing different techniques and objects used for beating. my husband is surprisingly good with a belt. ouch!
then we talked about jesus and church.
very interesting night.
my boob still hurts
Last night was quite interesting. Let's see what I did.
I received my first cupping session (where they heat up glass cups/jars, place it on your body and create a vacuum). The one on my nipple was 50/50. The person doing the session heated up too long and created a HUGE vacuum on my boob. I had to walk around the party with my dress on and boob out because we had to wait about 15 minutes before we can remove the glass
I also beat/flogged/whipped the holy loving jesus out of a good friend (who requested it from me). then the other guests at the party took turns in the fun, showing different techniques and objects used for beating. my husband is surprisingly good with a belt. ouch!
then we talked about jesus and church.
very interesting night.

my boob still hurts
Haha! Sounds like you had a lot of fun

wow beating and jesus