today was another interesting day. i did a bridal portrait shoot today at the historic neighborhood/park in my area. and it was fun. luckily the gods smiled down upon me and granted me with sunlight! but the cold and wind was crazy! the bride was a trooper though!!!
here are some of the photos
it was also interesting because i have learned that a "friend" who is a professional photographer is bad mouthing me to our other friends. for one, she is 41 years old, why is she being so immature? yes I am still trying to get my stuff off the ground, I understand that this doesn't happen overnight, but there is no need to be this immature! we are not even in the same area so she shouldnt even consider me competition. right now i'm fed up with her two faced behavior. the sad thing is, her husband is my husbands friend, and he is an amazing dude and i love him to death. but because of his bat shit wife-i dont want to hang out with them
oh yeah! i have a lot of stuff to sell! barely worn shoes, clothes, other items etc. keep a look out there might be something you like!
and tomorrow-well today technically, we have to go to my stepsons school for a parent teacher conference. he was suspended from school two weeks ago, and when he finally went back this week he wouldnt do his work, cursed out the teacher, talked shit etc. I find it amazing, because when he is around me and his dad he tries to act like the sweetest little boy. when he is with his grandmother, which whom he lives with he acts like a little terror. he even told the therapist he acts different because he knows he can take advantage of the grandma.
StepParenting Rant ahead
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
everyone keeps telling him what a poor sensitive little troubled child he is and he feeds into it. he is 11 years old, can barely read, doesnt know how to do simple math, has a horrible vocabulary, is socially retarded, and yet he doesn't want to change. he doesnt want to try to learn,. he even said he doesnt want to come over to our house on weekends anymore because we implemented a learning program for him. no more fun and games while he is here. any tv/computer will be educational. he will have homework and assignments to complete while he is here.
at this point there is really nothing else we can do with him. now my husband is a blunt and honest man with a very brutal world view. he told his son that there is no unconditional love. if he wants to be a bad kid then he will not love him as a son. he will look at him as a nuisance. now some of you may think its harsh-but if you can experience the boy for yourself, you would understand. he is very two faced and manipulative even at his young age. he comes here, always talking about "i love you" and asking for hugs, but when he is back with his grandmother he turns into a devil. he PUNCHED HER the other day because he didnt want to wake up for school. its just so frustrating, because honestly at 11 years old, there is no reason to be acting a damn fool!. you have a grandma who takes care of you and spoils you, you have a dad who always wants to have fun-unless you fuck up then there is no fun time. ugh!!! damn kids
But then with people fawning over the boy and telling him he's misunderstood blah blah blah, it might not.