my tummy hurts
damn liquid shake
i cheated today, and had like 5 tiny pieces of orange chicken..mmmmmm...and i think because ive done liquid for so long, that finally putting food into my stomach, it went all ape shit.
it sounds like godzilla is having a beatboxing contest in my freaking stomach now
but i went to my surgeon for my pre-op today. everything looks good. surgery is scheduled for December 21, 2009 at 5 am. im not nervous for the surgery itself, but more nervous for the recovery and how groggy i am going to be afterwards. ive never had anesthesia before lol
and tomorrow, well today technically i have to go to the medical clearance appt and then im pretty much set after that
ive been doing good in my shop-i made 5 sales today!!! woot
. im hoping that those numbers keep rising
i gotta clean the house. like major. it looks horrible once more
after the surgery, im going to get the metal boning/grommets/grommet punch and start making the corsets! yay!!!
im also wondering if and how i should file taxes with the things i have sold? i dont have a business license, but it is "extra" income. and i supposedly can get a tax write off for all the fabrics and supplies that i buy-and have those written off. so we will see...
damn liquid shake
i cheated today, and had like 5 tiny pieces of orange chicken..mmmmmm...and i think because ive done liquid for so long, that finally putting food into my stomach, it went all ape shit.
it sounds like godzilla is having a beatboxing contest in my freaking stomach now
but i went to my surgeon for my pre-op today. everything looks good. surgery is scheduled for December 21, 2009 at 5 am. im not nervous for the surgery itself, but more nervous for the recovery and how groggy i am going to be afterwards. ive never had anesthesia before lol
and tomorrow, well today technically i have to go to the medical clearance appt and then im pretty much set after that
ive been doing good in my shop-i made 5 sales today!!! woot
i gotta clean the house. like major. it looks horrible once more
after the surgery, im going to get the metal boning/grommets/grommet punch and start making the corsets! yay!!!
im also wondering if and how i should file taxes with the things i have sold? i dont have a business license, but it is "extra" income. and i supposedly can get a tax write off for all the fabrics and supplies that i buy-and have those written off. so we will see...
You should probably talk to a tax professional about it.