they are all here, and remember 20% off for all items!
in other news. liquid diet is going crappy. i had 4 crackers today! i couldnt help it. i just need something solid. but i swear, this stuff is bound to make me lose some weight before the surgery lol. but it makes me so damn gassy lol
i have yet to put up christmas decrations. i dont even know if im going to put anything up
i went out and got a new wedding band for my husband today, since he lost the first one. this one is titanium. he keeps saying how he wants titanium. if he loses this one, i will kill him!
my neck hurts blah
i have my medical clearance appt tomorrow at 2. im excited. im that much closer to the surgery. its beginning to get "real" for me lol
i finished making stuff! wanna see?
Oh man, I couldn't handle a liquid diet.