so before i get all angry and stuff about a blog i just randomly read here on sg, im just gonna get my point out and leave it at that. so if you are against gay marriage..then i suggest you not read ahead because i am not here to argue
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so this person said that gays should not marry because marriage is a religious aspect, before god-but they should be allowed a civil union. here is how i feel on this subject
1-bullshit! marriage is only a religious aspect NOW because of how the catholic church and other institutions warped it to me. before religion-marriage was about putting two people together to reproduce..typically the guy paid the girls dad a goat or some shit to "marry" her. there was no religion, no love (usually). just a way to get your rocks off and push your dna to the next generation via children. so that whole marriage is a religious aspect is bullshit. you mean to tell me, that in order for my marriage to be viable it should be in a church before god??? so even with STRAIGHT couples, who do not believe in GOD-are you telling me that because they dont believe in god, their marriage is not valid
2-a civil union is not the same as a "marriage" or a ceremony held in a church. its not enough to tell gay people, "oh you can get a civil union so shut up" no no no! if two gay people want to get married in a church, then let it be! by telling them to deal with a civil union is just like how society told black people, "oh, you are not good enough to be a worthy citizen of our country, so you can use second hand bathrooms/books/facilities". it does not work that way. either give EVERYONE the right to get married in a church, or have EVERYONE have a civil union.
shit, half of the straight marriages, who are supposedly religious, and god believing, take advantage of their ability to get married in a church, in front of their God. they cheat, they lie, they do things to their spouses that shouldnt be done. so just because you have a penis and a vagina does not make your marriage any more valid then two sausages or two tacos bumping up against each other.
and yes i am straight (well for the most part) with a husband. and i thing religion, and religious nuts cause a large majority of the freaking problems we have today. START ACCEPTING PEOPLE instead of their religious affiliations!!!
and i am done. now going back to sew. i know the above rant did not make much sense, but i had to get it off my chest.