We took Cassie to Petsmart today to (hopefully) be adopted. I've been crying my eyes out for the past three days though. I don't want to give her away... she's the best dog. Ever. But I suppose it is best for her, even though I take amazing care of her. I took over a hundred pictures of her, ha.
There was a couple there I liked. I hope they adopt her. They told me their Beagle, which they had for twelve years, passed away a few months ago, and they haven't found a dog to replace her. They have three acres and lots of love. And obviously they know how to take care of a dog. But they seemed torn between Cassie (pit bull) and another dog there, "Red" (Lab/Mastiff). I think they liked Cassie more, but after they told me their neighbor has chickens, I told them about her dislike for animals smaller than her... and they gravitated toward Red. I wish I had shut up for a change instead of trying to offer information.
My boyfriend dragged me away after a while... and Cassie whimpered as I left. It's so heartbreaking.
I've done this before, but I haven't been this attached to a dog in my life (except for my Afghan Hound, which I had for 14 years. Passed away two years ago). I guess it's kind of pathetic... I've only had her for about three weeks.
Aside from that.... I have a shoot on Tuesday, but I'll be freezing my ass off since it's scheduled at a lake. Hope they think goosebumps are sexy.
There was a couple there I liked. I hope they adopt her. They told me their Beagle, which they had for twelve years, passed away a few months ago, and they haven't found a dog to replace her. They have three acres and lots of love. And obviously they know how to take care of a dog. But they seemed torn between Cassie (pit bull) and another dog there, "Red" (Lab/Mastiff). I think they liked Cassie more, but after they told me their neighbor has chickens, I told them about her dislike for animals smaller than her... and they gravitated toward Red. I wish I had shut up for a change instead of trying to offer information.
My boyfriend dragged me away after a while... and Cassie whimpered as I left. It's so heartbreaking.
I've done this before, but I haven't been this attached to a dog in my life (except for my Afghan Hound, which I had for 14 years. Passed away two years ago). I guess it's kind of pathetic... I've only had her for about three weeks.
Aside from that.... I have a shoot on Tuesday, but I'll be freezing my ass off since it's scheduled at a lake. Hope they think goosebumps are sexy.

I just read your previous journal entries about the dogs. It breaks my heart to see dogs treated so bad. That is awesome that you did all that for her. I hope she finds a great home! My dog is a Black lab.... great big guy at just over a hundred pounds! He is also the nicest dog... handles my nephews very well.
cheer up sweety.