Apparently I wear a neon sign above my head that says "Easily manipulated." Everyone in the world knows it.
Aside from that:
+ I'm in a non-relationship. Yup, that's right, I need "S/He's Just Not That Into You" thrown my way.
I'm committed and loyal as a puppy. We talked about the situation and I'm not allowed to bang other people. Okay, cool, that's fine... but yeah, what about my non-partner? Never gives me a straight answer. So apparently fucking nine billion other people is okay for them. COOL! (And guess who's falling hardcore? Oh yeah. This non-relationship has been going on for a good seven months now).
+ I got a new kitty. Well, *I* didn't, but my roomies did.
She's cute cute cute... four months old. Black/Grey/Orange tabby. Her name is Faith
+ I dream about school. How pathetic is that? I used to dream about work.. which was quite pathetic. But dreaming about school -- actually participating in class discussions in my dream! -- beats out "quite pathetic" for "what a fucking loser you pathetic Lit major!"
+ I *need* a job. Anyone who knows of anything around the Orlando/UCF area... give me hollllllaaaa. Please. (No fast food, please. I worked around it when I was fourteen and I could never go back to that shit... sorry. I suppose I'm super snobby in that regard).
<3 to you all.
Hope everyone is well!
Aside from that:
+ I'm in a non-relationship. Yup, that's right, I need "S/He's Just Not That Into You" thrown my way.

+ I got a new kitty. Well, *I* didn't, but my roomies did.

+ I dream about school. How pathetic is that? I used to dream about work.. which was quite pathetic. But dreaming about school -- actually participating in class discussions in my dream! -- beats out "quite pathetic" for "what a fucking loser you pathetic Lit major!"

+ I *need* a job. Anyone who knows of anything around the Orlando/UCF area... give me hollllllaaaa. Please. (No fast food, please. I worked around it when I was fourteen and I could never go back to that shit... sorry. I suppose I'm super snobby in that regard).
<3 to you all.

hahahaha i dream about school too! i dream about what i'll write for manuscripts and things i'll say in classes. though i never say them. because i'm a pussy. but im my dreams, i'm the most fearless, opinionated bitch i've ever met. rad.
jobs, you say? i'm not really sure of anything that's around UCF, other than the bookstore that'll be hiring for Christmas/next semester. I applied at the Hot Topic (shut up i know it's lame but i'm desperate) that'll be opening in Oviedo in a few weeks, and I'm really hoping to get that job. Otherwise, it's time to dye the hair "normal", take the piercings out, cover the tattoos, and slink into the world of mainstream employment. UGH.
Good luck job hunting, you pretty thing! And I'm serious about hanging out--I miss you!
how have you been? we really need to hang out. i'm serious. can i call you?? i'm so bad at calling people, but i know your worse, so if that's what it takes i'll do it!