Going grey on the 17th and most likely will not be returning. I've been here for a year and a half, I believe it is, and have enjoyed my stay very much. The girls are great, the community is amazing, etc. -- but I very rarely log in as it is, and I don't see myself having time in the future to log in even...
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oh man, harry potter next friday. and then rent sometime soon after that. hell yes.
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT within the week i will muster up the courage to call you.
are you single?? haha just a question.
i want your company soon woman!! <3
are you single?? haha just a question.
i want your company soon woman!! <3
[cough] excuse my utter curiosity [awkward giggle/perverted grin]
i totally lost your number. i went to call you, and hence, it wasn't there. i forgot i got a new phone (same # though) and lost most of my numbers.
you know what that means?
you have to call ME! bwhaHA!
i am free tuesday night and would love nothing more than to hang. please make it happen.
[cough] excuse my utter curiosity [awkward giggle/perverted grin]
i totally lost your number. i went to call you, and hence, it wasn't there. i forgot i got a new phone (same # though) and lost most of my numbers.
you know what that means?
you have to call ME! bwhaHA!
i am free tuesday night and would love nothing more than to hang. please make it happen.
Three weeks left for this semester.
Fuck yeah.
I think those of you who have my number should call me and hang out with me during winter break. Because I definitely want to do some major partying/hanging out/what have you while I have the chance. Only a few, short weeks of doing so, sadly, until I go back for the spring (in which case I...
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Fuck yeah.
I think those of you who have my number should call me and hang out with me during winter break. Because I definitely want to do some major partying/hanging out/what have you while I have the chance. Only a few, short weeks of doing so, sadly, until I go back for the spring (in which case I...
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Apparently I wear a neon sign above my head that says "Easily manipulated." Everyone in the world knows it.
Aside from that:
+ I'm in a non-relationship. Yup, that's right, I need "S/He's Just Not That Into You" thrown my way.
I'm committed and loyal as a puppy. We talked about the situation and I'm not allowed to bang other people. Okay, cool, that's fine......
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Aside from that:
+ I'm in a non-relationship. Yup, that's right, I need "S/He's Just Not That Into You" thrown my way.

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i have that book. and for the small fee of hanging out with me, i can easily toss it your way.
hahahaha i dream about school too! i dream about what i'll write for manuscripts and things i'll say in classes. though i never say them. because i'm a pussy. but im my dreams, i'm the most fearless, opinionated bitch i've ever met. rad.
jobs, you say? i'm not really sure of anything that's around UCF, other than the bookstore that'll be hiring for Christmas/next semester. I applied at the Hot Topic (shut up i know it's lame but i'm desperate) that'll be opening in Oviedo in a few weeks, and I'm really hoping to get that job. Otherwise, it's time to dye the hair "normal", take the piercings out, cover the tattoos, and slink into the world of mainstream employment. UGH.
Good luck job hunting, you pretty thing! And I'm serious about hanging out--I miss you!
hahahaha i dream about school too! i dream about what i'll write for manuscripts and things i'll say in classes. though i never say them. because i'm a pussy. but im my dreams, i'm the most fearless, opinionated bitch i've ever met. rad.
jobs, you say? i'm not really sure of anything that's around UCF, other than the bookstore that'll be hiring for Christmas/next semester. I applied at the Hot Topic (shut up i know it's lame but i'm desperate) that'll be opening in Oviedo in a few weeks, and I'm really hoping to get that job. Otherwise, it's time to dye the hair "normal", take the piercings out, cover the tattoos, and slink into the world of mainstream employment. UGH.
Good luck job hunting, you pretty thing! And I'm serious about hanging out--I miss you!
ugh, i hate the in limbo relationship status, it kills me. i hope you find what your looking for out of it! they better be good to you, or i'll come kill them for you.
how have you been? we really need to hang out. i'm serious. can i call you?? i'm so bad at calling people, but i know your worse, so if that's what it takes i'll do it!

how have you been? we really need to hang out. i'm serious. can i call you?? i'm so bad at calling people, but i know your worse, so if that's what it takes i'll do it!
It's a Saturday evening and what am I doing? Homework.
I'm having major school burnout at the moment. Only next semester and the summer to go... but I don't know if I'm going to make it. Haha.
But at least I can say that I did a four year in two. Not that that says much, or would mean anything to anyone... but it puts...
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I'm having major school burnout at the moment. Only next semester and the summer to go... but I don't know if I'm going to make it. Haha.
But at least I can say that I did a four year in two. Not that that says much, or would mean anything to anyone... but it puts...
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it's ok, I spent 4.5 years in and I'm not making half the money I was hoping to

aw you are the nicest ever

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!
(Happy belated birthday to all of you whose birthday has passed!) Perhaps if I got on SG more often (instead of doing homework, ha) I'd be more in the loop and able to wish everyone, personally, a happy birthday -- on the day of.
Just one more year to go before I can drink -- legally,...
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(Happy belated birthday to all of you whose birthday has passed!) Perhaps if I got on SG more often (instead of doing homework, ha) I'd be more in the loop and able to wish everyone, personally, a happy birthday -- on the day of.

Just one more year to go before I can drink -- legally,...
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Yes, she is home now and will be staying IN the house from this point forward! LOL I got the laundry room picked up to a place where I can puppy gate her in there while I'm gone to work...that way if she NEEDS to go to the bathroom it won't ruin the floor. Next task....bringing in the 80 lb airedale terrier...

Happy Belated Birthday -
Pink hair would be hot (eye think)
Pink hair would be hot (eye think)
May go grey soon, guys. Be back when I have the cash. As of the moment, I'm pretty much mooching off my friends. Living with them for like $20. I hate this shit, feel like such a loser. ;( Long, complex story about everything. Always is though, it seems.
See you all tonight though! I'm so excited. . .
See you all tonight though! I'm so excited. . .

Happy Birthday!
you wont go grey if you go pink
you wont go grey if you go pink

Happy birthday my elusive friend 

I'm back from G-ville. Had fun.
Looking forward to the SG DVD screening. I'm so there. Hope to see all of you SGFLers. <3
Looking forward to the SG DVD screening. I'm so there. Hope to see all of you SGFLers. <3
Just stopping in to say Hi!! I'll see you next Sat!!!
Can't wait to meet you at the DVD screening.

Hi, hello, friends. <3
I'm doing well. Alive! And looking for apartments.
Things are looking up, I suppose.
Doing the school thing. Looking for a job, as substituting isn't going to work out (the school board lost all of my papers, etc.).
If anyone knows of a nice, well paying job for lil' ol' me, give me a holler.
I hope everyone is doing well...
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I'm doing well. Alive! And looking for apartments.
Things are looking up, I suppose.
Doing the school thing. Looking for a job, as substituting isn't going to work out (the school board lost all of my papers, etc.).
If anyone knows of a nice, well paying job for lil' ol' me, give me a holler.

I hope everyone is doing well...
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mail yet pretty lady?
I am so glad you got it! can't wait to get one from you!!!!
how are things with you?
my last entry was pretty obscure... then again so is my mind.
how are things with you?
my last entry was pretty obscure... then again so is my mind.

My one stable computer at my one stable house crashed (and is completely dead)... so I most likely wont be on SG too often (or able to check my mail). Apologies, apologies!
Using my friend's computer to update this, just so the few of you who keep in contact with me don't think I've died.
Using my friend's computer to update this, just so the few of you who keep in contact with me don't think I've died.

I invite you to philosopher's party on my nenuphar.
I invite you to philosopher's party on my nenuphar.

how are you doin?
enjoy that great wide thing they call the real world.