Sooooo SG land.....i've been missing for sometime because the EX came back and tugged of my heart strings for a bit then used up what was left then kicked my heart right in the ass and it felt GREAT!......not now this picture helps me EVERYTIME i have the slightest thought about that lying @%$#! know what i meean 
On top of that great piece of BS i found out that my father has cancer in at least 6 places.....6! To add more icing to that cake he might not make it for a year....that right there just broke me......not getting married and my father wont live long enough to see my 30th birthday let alone my 29th.....whats kicking me in the ass just a bit more is that my mother came to me and said that i may have to cover a bill or two if and when my father passes.....SOOOOOO i'll be forced to live with my mother till god knows how long

On top of that great piece of BS i found out that my father has cancer in at least 6 places.....6! To add more icing to that cake he might not make it for a year....that right there just broke me......not getting married and my father wont live long enough to see my 30th birthday let alone my 29th.....whats kicking me in the ass just a bit more is that my mother came to me and said that i may have to cover a bill or two if and when my father passes.....SOOOOOO i'll be forced to live with my mother till god knows how long