when that day comes and your standing on the shoreline i hope you'll look back and think about me. Even tho it hard for me to open up and trust you i'm still willing to follow you to the ends of the earth and beyond. At night I'd wish you'd just crawl into my bed to surprise me with a small kiss and a whisper....."i...
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Lately I've found myself longing for another someone to just lay with and hold that's it. Sure im like most guys and want more then that but I'm truly over jumping from bed to bed, I want one woman and one woman only! Hell i want to bring out the best in her while she brings out the best In me! Ehhhhhh end rant
Ehhh.... i dunno kiddies.....as I've gotten older I've stopped and noticed that i don't have many people around me that i call friend.....sure there are those i talk to and joke around with but I'm talking someone you'd step into traffic for...maybe it had something to do with being Widly Inappropriate in my younger years.....who now, right?
ok ok what i'm trying to get at...
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ok ok what i'm trying to get at...
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Holy crap.....I'm sitting in the dmv and I want to beat my head against the wall.....the lady to my right smells like a dead cat and the man to my left smells like moth balls.... someone save me
the dmv strikes again
aye that it does!
oh holy crap! it was worth the night of bass blasting my ear drums and feeling my organs bouncing around in my body......man it's been TOO LONG since i've been to a show that bad ass......i mean killswitch was insane but combichrist was BETTER!
so digging around i've been looking for all of my paintball gear and was successful, sadly i have a six year old marker that has been sitting for two years....so that means i need batteries, O-rings and lube for the bolt. Man i miss playing paintball SO much, out of every sport i've played paintball is the only one that has keep me on my...
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So last night for my birthday i drank SOOOOOO much and yet no hangover today! car bomb after car bomb then my friends started to feed me girly drinks just to fuck with me......ugh, but i love them to death.......btw Redhead slut......not that slutty.......
I love it like roadkill!
happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear sean boy, happy birthday to me! 

Happy B-Day!!