OK that was a dumb joke.
I'm a little bored. I'm on an extended vacation. I got bought out of my company, so I'm taking a little time off. Then I'll look for a new company to take over.
Spring is finally here and it feels great. The Phillies opener is today. Easter and my birthday are a week away. I think I'm finally going to buy a bike, quit smoking and get into shape.
WIsh me luck.
EDIT: 10:40 PM
I just got home from a great dinner with Karma, her husband and my lady. I gotta say I love Bar Ferdinand! (A spanish tapas bar in No. Liberties.) We literally had dozens of tapas. I can't even begin to give you a play by play. I had taken Maxi there before and it was good. But this time it was twice as good. I love the whole idea of tapas: Lots of small plates of cold and hot food meant to be shared between friends with wine and beer.
Great friends + Great food + Great drinks = One awesome meal!
sorry you couldn't make it over for easter dinner...we understand though...even though it prolly wouldda done you some good..the ham was like candy
don't let the crap ruin yer bday ok.