at one of those cross-roads moments...the shit i have been doing up until this point just isn't working anymore...with work, my attitude, with my art career, with drinking, with my marriage, with my son, etc...part of me feels like i just "woke up" and am wondering where the fuck am i...i have been putting band-aids on problems for years and now, by some perfect storm of chance and confluence of events (roughly the same thing but who reads this fucking thing anyway?) i find myself caught by everything i had been running from...ah fuck, life, ya know? it just beats the shit out of you sometimes...
reading "ask the dust" john fante (really a beautiful it years ago and it didn't do much for it's knocking me on my reminds me of my early 20's)
listening to: "behind blue eyes" the who
reading "ask the dust" john fante (really a beautiful it years ago and it didn't do much for it's knocking me on my reminds me of my early 20's)
listening to: "behind blue eyes" the who