Back on SG...girls are still hot. It's good that some things stay the same.

Reading: "Black Hawk Down"
Listening to: High On Fire
a lot to update i guess...the wife is pregnant, i started teaching again, my son turned 5 and started kindergarten, i am in another group show coming up (what is it with these things? i've been in 4 in the last 6 mos)...naked raygun is re-uniting for a show 2 days after my birthday...going to new york for a few days in november...etc etc.

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my son went shopping for school clothes yesterday, which is alarming and problematic in its own right, he's 5 now for fuck's sake! what the fuck happened to the last 5 years?...but not ultimately the point of this post. he got his first pair of chuck t's yesterday (i think i was 11 when i got mine)...they're camo, as was almost everything he picked out...
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It's all good..... Looking forward to hear the mix. Hey, check these out for the boy:
Hey man.... got the cd yesterday....my faves right off the bat are: 2, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13 & 17. The only ones I had already heard, were those involving the Templars. Very good sounding stuff, and I truly appreciate this new music. I'd love to know who these bands are, when you get a chance...... Also, gonna send you a mix....Have you heard anything off the Class Pride Worldwide comp? How about: Oi! It's A World League comp?
a fine summer night...drinkin beer and working in the studio with the family out of town. i realize that, left to my own devices, i would be doing the exact same shit i was doing 10 years ago. thank God for the trappings of maturity.
Hey man,
Think you could burn me some of that French/Belgian Oi!? Maybe I can cook some stuff for you, too. Doesn't all have to be stricktly Oi!, though. Cheers on the alone time!
Alright! Thanks for going out of your way to burn that for me. I'll message you the address... and get working on burning you something....
Saw the Templars last weekend and they rocked the house!
Have you listened to the Anti-Disco League comp., yet? Pretty good international stuff, compiled on Templecombe Rec.
I'm going to try and get down to CBGB to see the Templars in July....
I used to have Close Shave on vinyl. Pretty good mid tempo Oi! For me, nowadays, Oi! is best bought on compilations. Let's face it... it's a rare Oi! band that dosen't get redundant after 3 or 4 songs. But Emusic has some Oi! comps for download. Sign up, and the first 25 are free. You can then cancel if you want to. I got a couple Pist "N' Broke songs, on there, as well as some Spanish and Italian Oi! bands. I mostly just listen to Oi! while working out, or at work.......not conducived to family time!
sitting at work, about to go home...hungover. stayed out way too late to be going to work the next day...damn friends that are fun and free beers at the local bars! and for some reason i thought it was a good idea to put in 2 hours in the studio at 1 in the morning instead of going to bed...i'm an ass.

listening to: a...
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at one of those cross-roads moments...the shit i have been doing up until this point just isn't working anymore...with work, my attitude, with my art career, with drinking, with my marriage, with my son, etc...part of me feels like i just "woke up" and am wondering where the fuck am i...i have been putting band-aids on problems for years and now, by some perfect storm...
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what the fuck are you supposed to say in these things anyway? work blah blah blah...home blah blah blah...school blah blah blah...family blah blah blah...bars blah blah blah.

listening to: joy division-unknown pleasures
drinking: orangeboom-an excellent dutch lager (get some bitches!)
p.s. i'm horny as fuck and all these half naked indie girls aren't helping!
tattoo art show went great...it was mentioned in the reader, featured in the southtown, and i was just interviewed for the sun-times...my own show in the west loop went great as well...great turn out despite shitty weather...sold work, etc.
cool! congrats on moving some of your own stuff.
I've got 5 days off in a row! it's like a vacation...and what's the first thing I do this morning? turn on the computer! ah conditioning...you can't escape it...busy as hell lately...holidays, trying to put together this show of tattoo art for the Beverly Art Center (opens Jan 14th for all you Chicagoans), followed that evening by the best punk/oi! show line-up the Southside has...
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Yeah, I'm going to try to get some stuff together this weekend & get it out early next week.