ok...i'll write something good...have you seen "farenheit 9/11"? that movie is really good...hanging out with my buddy jason in madison making art and listening to music was great...
way to be positive... wink hope you had a good day.
seriously...why is life so fuckin hard right now? is there something in the air? ah, it's comedy...
hang in there. it will get better...eventually smile
good. life is annoying but other than that... wink i've recovered from my deep thoughts of last week. on to the next nonsense. there is ALWAYS something else...
why does today, a tuesday, feel exactly like a wednesday? why is everything so impossible today...traffic, the car dealership, starbuck's even...parenthetically, have you ever felt like you weren't in on the joke, so to speak? like whatever is going on in this life, whatever its point is, or whatever seems to make it functional for other people, whatever manual or guide, has not been made...
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spent alot of the weekend hanging out with my son...classic line from him was delivered in a dunkin donuts after half a chocolate frosted and a bout of fidgeting and table kicking: "i need to chill out, right dad?"...he also asked who peter fonda was...3 yr olds are incredible...

also got to make some work and visit friends in madison...it was fun, but i need...
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too cute. wink
fall is definitely here...some of the trees on my drive to work are lit up like matches...and my taste in music has turned melancholy (the smiths during rush hour)...October has to be one of my favorite mos...
uh oh...i hope that's not a sign of the day that you're having... wink
i cannot wait until today is over...my life is a mess.
hope today is better. smile
okay, honestly, how can you read atlas shrugged AND anything??? just wondering... wink i finished the fountainhead. i did not finish atlas.
ugh...slightly hungover...every time i go to my favorite bar, even if its "just for 1 beer", i feel the same way the next day...sometimes it's bad to reieve preferential treatment from the bartenders (not that i am complaining)...october is shaping up to be fun...tattoo show on oct. 16, social distortion, halloween...
um...i don't know! don't ask such hard questions. i just hate oprah for putting her name all over good books. i always look for a pre-oprah version. wink
first, it was east of eden. now, it's the good earth. i swear, she thinks she co-authored them or something...Why must she have her name on them?!?!?!
hey...i'll skip the gloomy shit today...today was fine. i am reading an amazing book called "bushido: legacies of the japanese tattoo" by takahiro kitamura and katie kitamura. if you like japanese tattooing, it's a must have.
refer to your gloomy page. wink
God, so much time wasted...the older i get, the more pressure i feel to "do" something...to "suceed"...whatever that is...how do you go through life and not fuck up? how do you not squander time, opportunities, resources?
back in the cube on a monday morning...looking out my window, as usual. found out that social d is coming with tiger army. exciting...
hey...my first journal entry...sitting at work, in a cubicle, looking at suicide girls, while i listen to the hum of the office around me. how they keep so busy is a mystery to me...sometimes i have no idea what i should even be doing. i took an office job a couple of mos. ago and i'm starting to regret it. the security looked nice from...
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I saw your tattoo in the album. That is one of the coolest I've ever seen..