i knew what was coming on atlantis but it was totally good anyways. what i didn't quite see coming but should have was a damned cliffhanger ending like on next gen. if your show is good, you don't need to end the season on a cliffhanger to trick people into coming back for the new season. they'll just want to watch it anyways.
atlantis is already good enough to get by without that kind of thing. fortunately, it's also good enough that i will spend the next three months in rabid anticipation for season 2.
i hope they keep the new colonel around, i'm starting to like him. and from the clip of sg-1 season 9, i have to say ben browder doesn't look out of place at all. essentially have crichton and aeryn on sg-1 is going to take some getting used to. what's going to be odd is missing jack and carter.
maybe they'll bring jonas back more often. i still wish they'd sent him to atlantis.
i loved what they did with rodney on sg-1's finale.
i'm grudgingly starting to like scifis method of splitting stargate seasons in half, ten new episodes in january and ten in july. it sucks to only get ten episodes at a time, but it's nice to know when the new ones will be here, instead of tuning in at the end of every rerun to see if they play a promo for a new episode, like with star trek.
i've been wearing sandals lately. partly to keep my toes ventilated more so they won't go bad as much, partly because it's warmed up enough that socks and sandals is almost too much. boots drive me mad out of work, and in work too. they have advantages, but it's a tough balance. if i could somehow get steel-toed sandals with two inch thick soles, i'd be set.
i'm turning more and more into a hobbit and i love it.
i had oles for dinner last night and it was really good, but my stomach has been unhappy all day. it's wierd, i was perfectly fine at work until right after we finished checking in the daily order. then when i was handing greg his parts i almost fell down because i suddenly became really light-headed and dizzy. that lasted more or less all day, slowly diminishing. that damn gigantic burrito.
my head is still a bit wonky now. i'm hoping it's a combination of headcold and weak stomach, we'll see tomorrow after i've had plenty of sleep.
atlantis is already good enough to get by without that kind of thing. fortunately, it's also good enough that i will spend the next three months in rabid anticipation for season 2.
i hope they keep the new colonel around, i'm starting to like him. and from the clip of sg-1 season 9, i have to say ben browder doesn't look out of place at all. essentially have crichton and aeryn on sg-1 is going to take some getting used to. what's going to be odd is missing jack and carter.
maybe they'll bring jonas back more often. i still wish they'd sent him to atlantis.
i loved what they did with rodney on sg-1's finale.
i'm grudgingly starting to like scifis method of splitting stargate seasons in half, ten new episodes in january and ten in july. it sucks to only get ten episodes at a time, but it's nice to know when the new ones will be here, instead of tuning in at the end of every rerun to see if they play a promo for a new episode, like with star trek.
i've been wearing sandals lately. partly to keep my toes ventilated more so they won't go bad as much, partly because it's warmed up enough that socks and sandals is almost too much. boots drive me mad out of work, and in work too. they have advantages, but it's a tough balance. if i could somehow get steel-toed sandals with two inch thick soles, i'd be set.
i'm turning more and more into a hobbit and i love it.
i had oles for dinner last night and it was really good, but my stomach has been unhappy all day. it's wierd, i was perfectly fine at work until right after we finished checking in the daily order. then when i was handing greg his parts i almost fell down because i suddenly became really light-headed and dizzy. that lasted more or less all day, slowly diminishing. that damn gigantic burrito.
my head is still a bit wonky now. i'm hoping it's a combination of headcold and weak stomach, we'll see tomorrow after i've had plenty of sleep.