thank goodness i'm so easily entertained or i swear i'd be all emo all the time instead of just really late on bad days.
life is more or less The Good. i have a goodish job in a shitty economy, best i've ever had, i don't hate it, i earn good money, and i'm earning enough i can save for and plan for Things that i Need, like an apartment, or an ipaq hx4700, or a better computer so i can play half life 2 or a gamecube or a metric fuck-ton of toys.
the trek ideas keep a-coming, read recent entries at if you really care.
you being me, since i don't think you exist. i mean, i'm sure you exist, but i doubt you're reading this.
i'd probably have an easier time of this whole 'internet culture' thing if i wasn't a jackass and didn't look like a creep.
maybe i am a creep and i just don't know it. that prospect bothers me more than i'd care to admit most days.
life is more or less The Good. i have a goodish job in a shitty economy, best i've ever had, i don't hate it, i earn good money, and i'm earning enough i can save for and plan for Things that i Need, like an apartment, or an ipaq hx4700, or a better computer so i can play half life 2 or a gamecube or a metric fuck-ton of toys.
the trek ideas keep a-coming, read recent entries at if you really care.
you being me, since i don't think you exist. i mean, i'm sure you exist, but i doubt you're reading this.
i'd probably have an easier time of this whole 'internet culture' thing if i wasn't a jackass and didn't look like a creep.
maybe i am a creep and i just don't know it. that prospect bothers me more than i'd care to admit most days.