ride the piggy!
palisades has released a few bits about their impending zim toys. nothing much has been publically finalized yet, but they've got pictures of rough sculpts and 3d concept renders to give you an idea of what they're going for.
bit one -- miss bitters and all-mighty tallest purple
bit two -- gir accessories concepts
suffice it to say i'll be buying everything that comes out of this line when it hits.
anung un rama!
hellboy tomorrow. also, return of the king is hitting the laurelhurst so i can go see it a couple more times cheaply.
got my federal refund on monday, it was mailed on friday. sweet. it's mostly gone already. $100 to pay state and multnomah county taxes, $100 to my folks for food, $100 to a friend online for some old gijoe vehicles, $100 to fred meyers for big rubbermaid clear plastic bins to organize my stuff before the baby gets here, and $100 to crap like the hellboy movie, a couple new transformers, some legos i needed, and one of the sweet-ass new toa metru from bionicle.
the new toa are sweet. whereas the original toa had to be rebuilt with at least two figures and some other parts to get any kind of good range of articulation, the new toa metru are fully posable out of the box, and it all works. the only flaw is that it's much harder now to compensate for the gear-driven shoulders, which don't move at all, but are controlled by a dial on the back that lets you swing the arms around, as an 'action feature' that's really annoying. i figured out a good fix that gives a higher range of motion than even a well rebuilt original toa, but it required parts from the new metru mini-guys, and i couldn't use the new metru shoulder armor with it.
a minor quibble though. bionicle is smooth and deadly.
palisades has released a few bits about their impending zim toys. nothing much has been publically finalized yet, but they've got pictures of rough sculpts and 3d concept renders to give you an idea of what they're going for.
bit one -- miss bitters and all-mighty tallest purple
bit two -- gir accessories concepts
suffice it to say i'll be buying everything that comes out of this line when it hits.
anung un rama!
hellboy tomorrow. also, return of the king is hitting the laurelhurst so i can go see it a couple more times cheaply.
got my federal refund on monday, it was mailed on friday. sweet. it's mostly gone already. $100 to pay state and multnomah county taxes, $100 to my folks for food, $100 to a friend online for some old gijoe vehicles, $100 to fred meyers for big rubbermaid clear plastic bins to organize my stuff before the baby gets here, and $100 to crap like the hellboy movie, a couple new transformers, some legos i needed, and one of the sweet-ass new toa metru from bionicle.
the new toa are sweet. whereas the original toa had to be rebuilt with at least two figures and some other parts to get any kind of good range of articulation, the new toa metru are fully posable out of the box, and it all works. the only flaw is that it's much harder now to compensate for the gear-driven shoulders, which don't move at all, but are controlled by a dial on the back that lets you swing the arms around, as an 'action feature' that's really annoying. i figured out a good fix that gives a higher range of motion than even a well rebuilt original toa, but it required parts from the new metru mini-guys, and i couldn't use the new metru shoulder armor with it.
a minor quibble though. bionicle is smooth and deadly.