it's really nice that the hitchhikers movie appears to be shaping up properly, with british actors, british writers and directors, and even british animators doing the guide bits. funded by lots and lots of american money.
i'm pretty sure disney is taking the approach with this that warner brothers did with matrix.
wb -- you can't direct the matrix, you don't have any experience.
wachowskis -- let us prove ourselves.
wb -- here's $20.
wachowskis -- here's bound.
wb -- that made like millions of dollars! here is a bag of hundred dollar bills, go make us your matrix thing.
wachowskis -- here.
wb -- good god that made a lot of money! make us another one!
wachowskis -- actually, we want to make two more.
wb -- fine!
wachowskis -- and we want to film them simultaneously, and release them six months apart.
wb -- great!
wachowskis -- and get some japanese animators to do a series of shorts for the website.
wb -- how can we make money off of that?
wachowskis -- make a dvd.
wb -- excellent.
wachowskis -- and we want to make a video game.
wb -- tell you what. here is a house made of money. go do whatever you want and we'll promote the hell out of it, so long as we can buy canada afterwards.
wachowskis -- okay.
hopefully the hitchhikers crew will have a little more success than the wachowskis did, at least popularly. i still dig reloaded and revolutions, but i think they overextended themselves and it hurt the final product. better editing would have saved those movies in the eyes of the public.
anyways, as far as i can tell, disney's plan is make hitchhikers right because they know if they do that, they can make five movies and make shitloads of money. potter and lotr have proven that book series made into movie series = bank.
now, if only someone would take that theory and apply it to dune... scifi channel's miniseries don't count because they fucked up in all the ways that david lynch didn't, which completely negates them doing right all the things lynch did wrong.
we need some kind of middle ground that keeps the good design sense, real deserts, good acting, and internal monologue from the lynch movie, crossed with the book accuracy and good cgi from the scifi channel mini.
i suppose, since my dream of making a hitchhikers movie is shot for 20 years if this new one is crap, and forever if this new one is good, i should refocus my efforts on doing dune right.
hrrm, hopefully a successful hitchhikers movie series will pave the way for someone(me someday?) to make dirk gently movies. that would be sweet.
i'm pretty sure disney is taking the approach with this that warner brothers did with matrix.
wb -- you can't direct the matrix, you don't have any experience.
wachowskis -- let us prove ourselves.
wb -- here's $20.
wachowskis -- here's bound.
wb -- that made like millions of dollars! here is a bag of hundred dollar bills, go make us your matrix thing.
wachowskis -- here.
wb -- good god that made a lot of money! make us another one!
wachowskis -- actually, we want to make two more.
wb -- fine!
wachowskis -- and we want to film them simultaneously, and release them six months apart.
wb -- great!
wachowskis -- and get some japanese animators to do a series of shorts for the website.
wb -- how can we make money off of that?
wachowskis -- make a dvd.
wb -- excellent.
wachowskis -- and we want to make a video game.
wb -- tell you what. here is a house made of money. go do whatever you want and we'll promote the hell out of it, so long as we can buy canada afterwards.
wachowskis -- okay.
hopefully the hitchhikers crew will have a little more success than the wachowskis did, at least popularly. i still dig reloaded and revolutions, but i think they overextended themselves and it hurt the final product. better editing would have saved those movies in the eyes of the public.
anyways, as far as i can tell, disney's plan is make hitchhikers right because they know if they do that, they can make five movies and make shitloads of money. potter and lotr have proven that book series made into movie series = bank.
now, if only someone would take that theory and apply it to dune... scifi channel's miniseries don't count because they fucked up in all the ways that david lynch didn't, which completely negates them doing right all the things lynch did wrong.
we need some kind of middle ground that keeps the good design sense, real deserts, good acting, and internal monologue from the lynch movie, crossed with the book accuracy and good cgi from the scifi channel mini.
i suppose, since my dream of making a hitchhikers movie is shot for 20 years if this new one is crap, and forever if this new one is good, i should refocus my efforts on doing dune right.
hrrm, hopefully a successful hitchhikers movie series will pave the way for someone(me someday?) to make dirk gently movies. that would be sweet.
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