I had a super awesome time on a lightning visit to Vienna and it was awesome to see Astera (who also shared many adventures with me in Berlin) but also TurbulenceElea and Tie

Back in the USA through on the opposite coast from home for the next week. Visiting NYC is always basically a race to make it through my list of favorite eateries. This time I did it in under 24 hours. Red Bamboo, Babycakes, Atlas Cafe and Thailand Cafe. So worth the trip alone. I'll be sleeping in my own bed in LA next week but only briefly as Sarasota, San Francisco, and Palm Springs are slotted for this month still. Next month will include Vancouver, Seattle and Portland - all of which will be firsts for me. Very exciting.

From a random conversation today, I forget the wording exactly but it went something like this:
Her: we made out in the back of a cab and next thing I know he was totally acting like we were dating, and I'm like "please, until I've imagined you naked we are totally not dating"
Him: I think I imagine a girl naked long before I ever make out with her.
Her: Haha, ok well acting like a lot more had happened then just making out.
Him: Right, a lot more can happen and I still don't consider it dating!
Her: Awesome! We are so on the same page!
mind you. i had one of those comments on my set. wtf does it mean? not that i mind commercials
*shame on me*