I had quite a interesting day in District Court on Tuesday.
Seems I was having problems with my landlord & got a notice to appear before a judge concerning me staying at my current residence.
At first I thought I might fight it. This is a place that, since I've been renting, loved to drag it's feet when it came to correcting problems concerning bills, repairing & fixing such things as doorbells & a hole in my bathroom ceiling, and dealing with a bat infestation, which isn't so much the problem as the Guano and the numerous flies that result from it.
I went to the district court, and sat around watching as two other apartment complexes presented complaints to their residents.
Finally, my land lord was up & one by one, about a half dozen residents were called up.
The guy in front of me had supposably been to court more than once, and the landlord had enough. He had 10 days to come up with $2500 in back rent or he was out. OUCH!
Once my turn was up, I stood, swore the oath crap, and offered a deal to my landlord to pay a certain amount of the rent I've withheld if they fix the problems with the apartment they've failed to repair.
So I didn't get evicted, but I'm on the lookout to move anyway. This way, I leave on my own terms & don't have the eviction on my record.
One good thing on that day, I was able to get out of Court early enough to complete a "HOUSE PORTRAIT" I had been working on for a customer.
Check it out!
The trees aren't what I would've normally done, but the customer wanted them to be VERY simple.
I also finished a couple sketches for a revamped version of my Comic-Book "Heart-Attack"
Ever since coming back from the San Diego Comic-Con in late July, and getting some really good advice from many artists, writers, and editors in the business, I've decided to make some major changes.
The "Heart-Attack" book was always envisioned as a "Horror"-themed book, with a homage to classic Slasher Films.
After looking at my writing and character designs & profiles, I realized that I drifted from that, and am now working to correct it.

Seems I was having problems with my landlord & got a notice to appear before a judge concerning me staying at my current residence.
At first I thought I might fight it. This is a place that, since I've been renting, loved to drag it's feet when it came to correcting problems concerning bills, repairing & fixing such things as doorbells & a hole in my bathroom ceiling, and dealing with a bat infestation, which isn't so much the problem as the Guano and the numerous flies that result from it.
I went to the district court, and sat around watching as two other apartment complexes presented complaints to their residents.
Finally, my land lord was up & one by one, about a half dozen residents were called up.
The guy in front of me had supposably been to court more than once, and the landlord had enough. He had 10 days to come up with $2500 in back rent or he was out. OUCH!
Once my turn was up, I stood, swore the oath crap, and offered a deal to my landlord to pay a certain amount of the rent I've withheld if they fix the problems with the apartment they've failed to repair.

So I didn't get evicted, but I'm on the lookout to move anyway. This way, I leave on my own terms & don't have the eviction on my record.

One good thing on that day, I was able to get out of Court early enough to complete a "HOUSE PORTRAIT" I had been working on for a customer.
Check it out!

The trees aren't what I would've normally done, but the customer wanted them to be VERY simple.
I also finished a couple sketches for a revamped version of my Comic-Book "Heart-Attack"
Ever since coming back from the San Diego Comic-Con in late July, and getting some really good advice from many artists, writers, and editors in the business, I've decided to make some major changes.
The "Heart-Attack" book was always envisioned as a "Horror"-themed book, with a homage to classic Slasher Films.
After looking at my writing and character designs & profiles, I realized that I drifted from that, and am now working to correct it.